Fasting in the month of Ramadan it can be quite tiring, especially in the first few days. You certainly feel like the days are getting longer and your throat is getting drier. In fact, there are many health benefits that you can get from fasting.
The assumption that fasting will only make you weak is also not true, because your body will actually feel healthier when you fast diligently, even outside the month of Ramadan. To stay fit and free to move during the fasting month, you can follow these tips.
6 Tips for Maintaining Health During Fasting
- Don't eat too much when breaking the fast
Everyone knows it's not good to eat too much, but there are still many who can't control themselves when breaking the fast. In fact, eating too much after being hungry all day will actually have a bad effect on your stomach and digestive system which have to work much harder.
Another mistake that is often made is drinking too much. Filling your stomach with water means you're not making room for food. As a result, the body does not have enough energy to carry out activities at night. It was reported that Rasulullah SAW always broke his fast with water and three dates.
- Pay attention to food intake
The issue of nutrition and food intake is one of the things you must pay attention to in order to be able to fast comfortably. If on a normal day you might have difficulty, then fasting can help you control whatever enters your body.
During the fasting month, you can develop several good habits such as reducing salt and sugar consumption. These two substances can make you urinate frequently so that you feel thirsty more quickly and your body is not properly hydrated.
It is best to choose a diet rich in fiber such as nuts and wheat for sahur. This type of carbohydrate keeps you full longer and the energy it produces doesn't run out quickly. And to break the fast, choose protein-rich foods to restore lost energy.
- Pay attention to meal times
Portions and nutritional intake are important, but meal times are no less important. It is recommended to eat sahur at the last hour so you will feel full longer.
You need to give your stomach time to process food after being empty all day. Therefore, it is best not to eat heavy food immediately when breaking the fast. Start with a snack or fruit and water to restore some energy. Eat a heavy meal at least 2 hours before bed.
Setting the right meal times will affect the body's rest and metabolism. And as a result, the body also feels energized even though fasting all day.
- Do light physical activity
One of the recommendations issued by the World Health Organization or WHO is to remain active during the fasting month. There's no need to worry about changing your training schedule so it's too late because you feel like you won't be able to finish fasting that day.
You just need to change the form of activity carried out. For example, if you have been doing high impact or even HIIT, then during the month of Ramadan you can switch to yoga or pilates classes. You can also change your exercise schedule closer to breaking the fast so that you use energy more efficiently.
- Don't forget to consume water
You can still keep your body hydrated even though you are fasting. The way to do this is to regulate water consumption at dawn and breaking the fast. You should avoid drinks that contain caffeine because they can make you feel less hydrated.
One of the easiest ways to maintain hydration is to drink one glass of water when breaking the fast, two glasses of water before bed, and one glass of water at dawn. You can adjust the amount of water you drink according to your body's condition at that time.
- Eat more fruit
One of the main benefits of fruit is its high water content and you can take advantage of this to stay healthy while fasting. When you break your fast with fruit, especially sweet ones, it will also help restore energy more quickly.
Not only that, fruit is also rich in fiber and can help your digestion. The sucrose in fruit is also a natural sugar and so it can provide energy to the body for longer.
Fasting and Various Diseases
Even though it sounds impossible, those of you who are suffering from various diseases such as stomach disease, diabetes, or even heart disease, can still fast comfortably. But you can consult a doctor to get tips specific to your body condition.
Research conducted by Harvard Medical School in 2017 concluded that fasting during the month of Ramadan is safe for most patients. But for patients who require special treatment, such as diabetes patients who require regular insulin injections, it is recommended not to fast unless permitted by the treating doctor.
Fasting in the month of Ramadan is an activity that drains energy, but also provides many benefits for the body. You must understand the body's capabilities and how to maintain this condition during Ramadan.
All these tips can also be implemented even when the fasting month is over. You can stay fresh even if you have to do a lot of activities that day. Apart from feeling more energetic, your metabolism will also be better.