Stay Healthy
8 Dangers of Electric Cigarettes, Not Just Damage to the Lungs, You Know!
09 Feb 2024
8 Dangers of Electric Cigarettes, Not Just Damage to the Lungs, You Know!
09 Feb 2024

Currently, people are starting to switch to e-cigarettes, because they think the dangers are lower than regular cigarettes. However, actually e-cigarettes also contain nicotine which is not good for your health. So, even though the shape is different, the risk of damaging human organs that is present in regular cigarettes is also present in this type of cigarette.

The risks of using e-cigarettes have often been discussed by many doctors who advise people to immediately stop this habit. Why should this habit be stopped as early as possible? Because if you are addicted, the risk will be even greater.

8 Dangers of Electric Cigarettes, Bad for Health

Some people may think that the chemicals in e-cigarettes are much less than regular cigarettes. However, actually these cigarettes not only contain nicotine which is dangerous for the body, but also other chemicals such as heavy metals and aerosols.

In fact, it is also said that the other chemical substances in cigarettes can damage the health of the lungs and heart of people who use them. So, immediately stop the habit of using e-cigarettes to avoid various types of risks as below:

  1. Heart Disease
    The heart organ in our body can be considered a living battery, so its health must always be well maintained. If your heart is unhealthy, then the chances of you living to old age are quite small. Therefore, start doing habits that can make your heart health better maintained.

    One thing that can be done to make our heart health healthier is to stop using e-cigarettes. This must be done immediately if you don't want your heartbeat and blood flow to speed up, because of the nicotine content in the cigarette.

  2. Lung Disease
    It can be seen in cigarette advertisements that are often found on the highway, cigarettes are said to make a person more susceptible to lung disease. This not only applies to regular cigarettes, but electronic cigarettes are also said to make a person more susceptible to dangerous lung diseases.

    The chemical content in e-cigarettes will make lung health decline and make them more susceptible to attack by bacteria and viruses. The chemical that will cause this risk is vitamin E acetate.

  3. Makes Fatty Acids Fill the Lungs
    The condition in which fatty acids fill the lungs is often called lipoid pneumonia. This medical term may still sound foreign to some people, but people who are addicted to e-cigarettes have definitely heard this term. Because, usually doctors will explain this disease to their patients.

    There are several symptoms that can be said to be early signs that someone is suffering from lipoid pneumonia, namely chronic coughing and coughing up blood. If you experience symptoms like these, immediately consult the nearest doctor to get a clearer diagnosis.

  4. Affects a Person's Mental Health
    Maybe some people don't believe that e-cigarettes have a big impact on the user's mental health. Not only can it cause physical illness, but the ingredients in cigarettes also affect mental health. The biggest reason why e-cigarettes can disrupt the user's mental health is because they can make a person more irritable.

    When someone has a character who is more irritable, their mental health tends to be weaker than someone who is always patient. In fact, it is also believed that electronic cigarettes can make someone often feel anxious, especially when they cannot use them at certain times.

  5. Improves Tooth and Gum Health
    The health of teeth and gums will always be related because they stick together. It is said that the aerosol content in e-cigarettes can worsen the health of a person's teeth and gums. So, start to reduce your use of cigarettes, so that your health doesn't decline over time.

  6. Disturbed Brain Development
    The next dangerous risk from excessive use of e-cigarettes is that it can disrupt brain development. This happens because e-cigarettes are said to affect the mood of the person who uses them, making it more difficult for their brain to respond to certain types of situations. This risk will be increasingly vulnerable to teenagers who frequently use e-cigarettes.

  7. Causes Lungs to Leak
    In fact, the health problem that is always related to cigarette use is lung health. Not only can it cause dangerous lung disease, but e-cigarettes can also cause a person's lungs to leak and no longer function. When this happens, they need to install a special tube in the lungs.

  8. Increases the Risk of Cancer
    Cancer is everyone's enemy, so you have to find ways to avoid this dangerous disease. There are many things that can trigger this disease, and one of them is excessive use of e-cigarettes. It is believed that various ingredients in cigarettes can increase the risk of cancer in people who use them every day.


The reason why people are advised to immediately stop using e-cigarettes is because the risks are no less dangerous than regular cigarettes. This happens because e-cigarettes also contain nicotine which can make our lung health even more compromised. So, even though electronic cigarettes do not emit smoke like regular cigarettes, this type of cigarette is still dangerous for the health of the human body.

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