When breastfeeding a baby, a mother must be able to determine what substances enter her body because it will be closely related to nutrition baby. Therefore, there are a number of foods and drinks that should be avoided during the breastfeeding period.
Why are there taboos? If not, then it could be that the quality of breast milk consumed by the baby is not baby and does not support its growth but actually hinders it. So, don't take the risk of eating whatever you want while breastfeeding because it is very related to your little one's future.
Foods that Breastfeeding Mothers Should Avoid
Some say that breastfeeding mothers must eat a lot, so that breast milk production is abundant. It's true, but not all food can be consumed freely. There are some that need to be avoided for a while.
- Food with a Spicy Taste
For those of you who like food that tastes spicy, prepared with a lot of chilies or cayenne pepper, then while breastfeeding you should stop consuming it. These foods, when processed in the body and become part of breast milk nutrition, will cause several conditions in babies.
These include experiencing digestive problems such as diarrhea, stomach problems and others. The taste of breast milk will also be contaminated by this spicy food, making the baby feel an unpleasant sensation when consuming breast milk.
- Fast and Processed Foods
Examples include canned fruit, ready-to-eat sausages, ready-to-eat nuggets, and the like. Indeed, in terms of taste, it can be said to be delicious and the processing process is also fast and practical.
But if it is consumed frequently after giving birth, it can result in a decrease in the quality of breast milk, ultimately having an impact on the growth and development of the baby. Moreover, most of these foods contain ingredients that are not good for health, such as too high calories, artificial sweeteners and salt, and fats that are difficult to break down.
- Dairy Processed
Like cheese and cakes made from milk, these are products made from cow's milk or soybeans which should not be eaten while breastfeeding. Especially, if you have a baby with a milk allergy problem.
The contents of dairy foods can enter the baby's body through breast milk and then trigger allergic effects that can endanger your little one's health. For example, red rashes on the skin to shortness of breath.
- Fish with High Mercury Content
If consumed excessively and too often, the long-term effects will be a risk to the baby. Where problems can arise in the development of the brain and nervous system. There are also those who experience speech delay problems, vision problems and low brain comprehension.
Some foods with high mercury content, which should not be eaten by breastfeeding mothers, are shark, marlin, bigeye tuna and certain types of mackerel such as kingfish.
- Parsley Leaves
Usually these leaves are an important part of making food smell delicious, but they should be avoided by breastfeeding mothers. The main reason is because the ingredients in it can disrupt prolactin production.
If prolactin production is not sufficient, it will have a major impact on the quality and amount of breast milk produced. When the amount of breast milk is small, of course the baby's nutritional needs cannot be met.
- Raw Food Ingredients
Food that has not been processed, aka raw, has the potential to contain various kinds of dangerous bacteria. If it enters the mother's body, it can cause poisoning problems. Moreover, if it is consumed by a baby through breast milk, you can imagine the dangerous impact on your little one's health, right?
Drinks that Breastfeeding Mothers Should Avoid
Apart from foods that breastfeeding mothers should stop consuming, there are also a number of drinks that must be avoided. If you don't want the bad effects to be felt by your newborn baby.
- Alcohol
For mothers who like to consume alcohol, you should stop if you don't want your baby's cognitive condition to be disturbed. Apart from that, alcohol also changes the baby's sleep patterns which are usually regular and of course this is very unpleasant for the mother.
- Caffeine
Tea and coffee are drinks that contain caffeine, so you should not consume them while breastfeeding. The main reason is because of its negative impact on the baby's health.
One of them is that it can make babies fussy and have difficulty sleeping. You are advised to consume more water and fruit juice, to meet the body's fluid needs and trigger abundant breast milk production.
- Soda
Not much different from alcohol, fizzy drinks also need to be avoided. Your baby could experience bad effects if you still consume it while breastfeeding. Such as difficulty sleeping to digestive problems.
- Milk
In fact, not all breastfeeding mothers are prohibited from drinking milk, it is given more priority to mothers with babies who have the potential to be allergic to milk. Because, it will trigger an allergic reaction like when eating the dairy foods above.
Tips for Maintaining the Quality of Breast Milk
Apart from avoiding various foods and drinks, you are still obliged to ensure that the quality of your breast milk is maintained. Several ways can be done, including:
- Ensure consumption of highly nutritious food, containing the nutrients the baby needs. Such as eating various types of nuts, olive oil, and avocado.
- Don't forget to regularly eat fruit and vegetables which are rich in fiber and can stimulate the flow of breast milk produced by breastfeeding mothers.
- It's better to cook it yourself rather than buy it, because you can find out how clean the food is. Unhygienic food can cause various health problems for the mother and baby.
Some foods and drinks should be avoided when breastfeeding. These include foods that taste spicy, contain mercury, and even raw foods. Likewise with alcohol, caffeine, and milk which need to be stopped consuming.
To ensure the baby gets adequate nutrition, apart from avoiding the various foods and drinks above. You also need to apply several important tips, so that the quality of breast milk remains optimal.