Stay Healthy
Benefits of Natural Face Masks for Dull and Sensitive Skin
23 Jun 2023
Benefits of Natural Face Masks for Dull and Sensitive Skin
23 Jun 2023

Having a bright and bright face is the desire of everyone. On the contrary, dull face skin can disrupt the appearance and make the face look older than its original age. One of the easiest ways to deal with dull skin is by using facial masks on a regular basis. To be safer, try to use masks with the content of natural ingredients especially for you who have sensitive skin. The natural ingredients you can try are:

1.   Honey

In addition to health benefits, honey can be used as a mask on the face.  How to use it is enough to mix honey with water so that it is not sticky, then apply it on the face for a few moments and then rinse.

2.   Tomatoes

The content of vitamin C contained in tomatoes is great for lightening the face naturally and accelerating the production of good collagen to tighten the skin of the face. How to use it is by mixing fine tomatoes with honey.

3.   Aloe vera

Aloe vera is famous for its content of aloesine which serves to slow the formation of melanine so that the skin will look brighter and moist. However, in using aloe vera on the face should be in a proper way so as not to cause itching in the face. The easiest way is to use products that contain crocodile tongue.

4.   Avocado

In addition to the delicious taste, avocado also has vitamin C and E content that can deal with dull skin and lighten it. How to use it is by mixing avocado with olive oil and yogurt.

5.   Yogurt

In addition to beneficial for digestion, yogurt can also be used as a face mask that can remove black spots and lighten the skin. How to use it is also very easy just by applying it directly on the face, make sure the yogurt used is plain or has no taste.

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