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Find Out The Causes and Ways to Treat Back Pain Here!
15 Mar 2024
Find Out The Causes and Ways to Treat Back Pain Here!
15 Mar 2024

Back pain is no longer a disease that is synonymous with the elderly, even young people can experience it. This proves that back pain is not always caused by aging, it could be due to lifestyle, wrong sitting position, or various other causes.

When the waist experiences problems, work and all activities will automatically be disrupted because the body cannot work optimally. Even sitting down feels uncomfortable, even when lying down, sometimes the pain is still felt.

If you get sick at home then you can rest at any time, but if you get sick at the office it will certainly disrupt your work productivity. If you often have pain in the waist area, find out the causes and solutions below!

Causes of Frequent Back Pain

It's not because of increasing age, anyone can get pain in the waist area which can really damage daily activities. Below are various factors that cause the waist to feel uncomfortable

  1. Wrong Sitting
    Sitting incorrectly not only causes problems with a curved spine. Other problems can attack the waist because the waist is pressured by too heavy a load when the sitting position is not correct.

  2. Weight Gain
    As body weight increases, from the waist area down it will support less than ideal weight and tend to overload. Usually excessive body weight also results in the legs which were originally proportional to forming an O shape or curving outwards.

  3. Muscles Tense
    Tight muscles in the waist are one of the causes of pain, another term called stress. If when you are stressed you feel back pain, but when you are relaxed you don't feel back pain, then be aware of the cause of the pain because you have too much stress on your mind.

  4. Lack of Exercise
    The most common cause that attacks the body and causes various diseases, including the waist, is lack of exercise. A body that is rarely moved tends to become stiff and have difficulty moving or changing positions.

  5. Entering the Twilight Age
    One of the factors that causes pain in the waist area is when people reach their 30s. One of the strong causes is that muscle function decreases with age so that the pain in the waist will be more pronounced.

  6. Kidney Infection
    Lastly, this cause can arise due to not drinking enough water, eating too much and consuming less nutritious drinks, etc. Kidney infection is the most serious causative factor which inevitably requires immediate medical treatment.

How to overcome

Of the six causes above, each can be overcome with various solutions. Before the pain gets worse or before the pain occurs, you can prevent or overcome the pain in the following ways:

  1. Sit in the Correct Position
    Most office workers have to sit for between 6-8 hours in the same position. The solution is to straighten your body position, lean your back against the back of the chair, and if necessary you can add cushions such as small pillows and neck pillows so you don't get sore.

  2. Maintaining Weight
    Maintaining body weight is not only for aesthetics, but is also important for health. Back pain is only one of the consequences of being overweight, while there are still many diseases ranging from mild to severe which more easily affect people who are too fat.

  3. Avoid Causes of Stress
    Stress in humans should not be eliminated, but can be transferred with various positive affirmations. You can take a break from the pressure, drink coffee between work, look at nature for five minutes between busy schedules, and so on.

  4. Exercise Regularly
    Exercise is an important thing that can ensure everyone's health and prevent the body from various diseases. If you are just starting out, you can schedule regular exercise time with increased intensity, from 5 minutes to 15 minutes for example.

  5. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle
    A healthy lifestyle should be a priority for everyone of all ages. Because by living a healthy life, the circulation of the body's organs will automatically work well so that pain in the waist area can be prevented.

  6. Drink a Lot of Water
    Finally, problems caused by kidney infections can be overcome by consulting a doctor. Apart from that, healing and maintenance support is needed by regularly consuming 8 glasses of water per day.

Each solution depends on the cause of the disease. There are some solutions that do not require a doctor, there are others that inevitably require a doctor's consultation.


Based on the causes and ways to treat back pain above, there are various conclusions that can be drawn. These conclusions are summarized in 7 points below:

  1. Back pain caused by sitting incorrectly can be overcome by correcting your sitting position and choosing the right chair.
  2. Back pain due to excess weight must be treated with diet.
  3. Back pain due to tense muscles must relax the mind so as not to stress.
  4. Back pain due to lack of exercise can be overcome by slowly exercising regularly.
  5. Back pain due to age cannot be avoided, it can only be reduced with a healthy lifestyle.
  6. Back pain due to kidney disease must be prevented by regularly consuming water or treated by seeing a doctor.

The waist is a crucial part of the body because it is where you focus when sitting. When the waist is disturbed, all activities will be disturbed, so the solution is to prevent it before it's too late and treat it before it gets worse.