Stay Healthy
10 Healthy Tips While Fasting
05 Jan 2024
10 Healthy Tips While Fasting
05 Jan 2024

Fasting during the month of Ramadan is an obligation for Muslims all over the world. Apart from being a form of worship, fasting also has a positive impact on health, both physical and spiritual.

However, to fast properly, extra attention is needed to diet and lifestyle. Here are some tips that can help you maintain your health while fasting.

Tips for Staying Healthy While Fasting

When fasting, the body experiences changes in sleep patterns, eating habits and daily activities. It is important to adapt and adjust your lifestyle to maintain health while fasting.

  1. Consume nutritious and balanced food at Sahur
    The first food consumed before starting fasting is sahur. It is important to choose foods that provide long-lasting energy and the nutrients the body needs.

    Choose complex carbohydrates such as oatmeal, whole wheat bread and brown rice. Also include protein from eggs, fish, or lean meat, as well as fiber from fruits and vegetables.
  2. Avoid excessively fatty and sweet foods
    Fatty and high sugar foods can make your stomach feel full only for a while. It's best to avoid foods that contain saturated and trans fats, and limit sugar consumption. Choose sources of healthy fats such as avocado, nuts and olive oil.
  3. Drink enough water
    It is important to stay hydrated during fasting. Make sure you drink enough water at dawn and breaking the fast. Avoid caffeinated and carbonated drinks, as they can cause dehydration.

    Water remains the best choice to maintain fluid balance in the body. You can follow the guidelines for water consumption during fasting by dividing it in a 2-4-2 ratio, meaning drinking 2 glasses when breaking the fast, 4 glasses between breaking the fast and sahur, and 2 glasses at dawn.
  4. Pay attention to Iftar times wisely
    The time to break the fast (iftar) is an important moment to restore energy after enduring hunger and thirst all day. Start with dates and water, then continue with a main dish that is balanced between carbohydrates, protein and vegetables.

    Overeating can cause a feeling of tightness in the stomach. Avoid eating excessive portions so that the digestive system can adapt to changes in eating patterns.
  5. Maintain physical activity
    Even though you are fasting, stay physically active. Do light exercise such as walking or gymnastics for a few minutes after breaking the fast.

    It is also recommended to do physical activity for 60 minutes before breaking the fast or after performing tarawih prayers. This aims to immediately replace the lack of body fluids at that time.

    Physical activity can help maintain body fitness and increase energy. However, avoid strenuous exercise that can cause dehydration or fatigue.
  6. Meet nutritional needs with supplements
    Make sure your vitamin needs are met during the fasting month. Perfect your vitamin intake by taking supplements that can increase your body's resistance and prevent disease. Vitamins also have an important role in preventing nutritional deficiencies that often appear during the fasting period.
  7. Stress management and enough sleep
    Stress can affect overall health. Practice relaxation techniques such as meditation or deep breathing to manage stress.

    Also make sure you get enough sleep so your body has time to recover and maintain mental health. Try to maintain a schedule for sleeping and waking up at the same time.

    At night, make sure to sleep at least 4 hours, and after eating sahur, you can go back to sleep, but wait a while so that your stomach doesn't feel full. Apart from that, give yourself time to nap for a maximum of 20 minutes.
  8. Rest when your body feels tired
    It is normal for you to feel sleepy and tired while enduring hunger and thirst. Therefore, there is no harm in taking a moment from the activities you are carrying out. Allocate around 5 to 10 minutes to rest, for example during free time or breaks at the office or at school.
  9. Consume fruit with high water content
    Fruits that have high water content not only help prevent dehydration, but can also provide a feeling of fullness. Make sure to always provide fruit that has a high water content at dawn and breaking the fast with your family.

    For example, watermelon, oranges, or peaches are good choices. Apart from containing water and fiber, these fruits also provide vitamin C intake which can increase the endurance of you and your family during fasting.
  10. Pay attention to your eating pattern when fasting
    In order to fast smoothly, there are several things you need to pay attention to at dawn and breaking the fast:
    1. Break the fast gradually, because overeating can disrupt the body's metabolism and cause fatigue, which can hinder daily activities.
    2. Start breaking the fast by eating snacks, such as dates, compote, or other appetizers, before continuing with the main meal.
    3. Prioritize choosing healthy and nutritious foods at dawn and breaking the fast. Limit consumption of sugar, salt, fried foods, caffeine, and fatty foods as well as foods that can interfere with fasting.

Divide your diet wisely. At night, it is recommended to divide your eating pattern into three times, namely when breaking the fast, after tarawih prayers, and sahur, to meet nutritional needs optimally.


By paying attention to these healthy tips, it is hoped that you can spend the month of Ramadan full of blessings and maintain optimal health. If your body is healthy, this will support your fasting smoothly. It is important to remember that fasting is not an excuse to be lazy, but rather an opportunity to worship more and stay active as best as possible.

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