Press Release
BNI Life Carries AI Theme at Harpelnas 2024
05 Sep 2024
Press Release
BNI Life Carries AI Theme at Harpelnas 2024
05 Sep 2024

In commemoration of National Customer Day (Harpelnas) which fell on September 4, PT BNI Life Insurance (BNI Life) would like to thank all customers for their trust and support.

Harpelnas 2024 carries the theme “AI Makes Customer Service More Responsive and Personalized”.

In line with this year's Harpelnas theme, BNI Life continues to promote innovation through digitalization developed by the company in improving business processes so as to provide speed and accuracy to serve customers.

For this reason, BNI Life presents bPos digital administration services from upstream to downstream, Chatbot based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) which can assist customers in obtaining information related to products and services, BNI Life Mobile digital claim service application specifically for group customers, and Microsite Plan Blife digital insurance product sales platform.

“Harpelnas is a very important moment for us at BNI Life. Through this activity, we want to show our sincere gratitude to customers who have entrusted their protection to us,” said Plt. President Director of BNI Life, Neny Asriany in a press statement, Thursday (5/9/2024).

As a form of appreciation to customers, BNI Life organized several series of activities, including Directors Greeting to meet and interact directly with customers who came to the customer care area at BNI Life Head Office.

The company also made a direct visit to the customer's heirs' house to symbolically hand over the payment of the sum insured from the Credit Life Insurance product. “This step is a form of our commitment in ensuring customer rights are fulfilled,” said Neny.

Not only that, as a form of appreciation to loyal customers, BNI Life visited corporate customers. This visit shows the company's gratitude for the trust given by corporate customers in using BNI Life products and services.

To add to the excitement of this year's National Customer Day celebration, BNI Life also presents a cash prize promo program of up to Rp19 million for customers who purchase BNI Life individual insurance products. This promo is part of the company's efforts to provide added value for customers who have entrusted their insurance needs to BNI Life.

“BNI Life is always committed to continuing to innovate and provide the best service, as well as building closer and more personal relationships with each customer. Technology has developed rapidly and one of the biggest innovations that has brought tremendous change is digitalization,” said Neny.