PT BNI Life Insurance (BNI Life) welcomes the Financial Services Authority Regulation (POJK) Number 12 of 2024 concerning the Implementation of Anti-Fraud Strategies for Financial Services Institutions, which will take effect on October 31.
BNI Life considers that this regulation has a very good and positive impact, especially as a mitigation step to minimize fraud.
Plt. President Director of BNI Life, Neny Asriany, stated that strengthening the internal control system in the form of an anti-fraud strategy is very necessary. “It is necessary to strengthen the internal control system in the form of an Anti-Fraud Strategy in Financial Services Companies, especially at BNI Life,” said Plt. President Director of BNI Life Neny Asriany told Bisnis on Tuesday (27/8/2024).
Neny added that the company has implemented an anti-fraud strategy since 2017, and this implementation refers to regulatory provisions which include four main pillars, namely prevention, detection, investigation, reporting and sanctions, as well as evaluation, monitoring and follow-up.
In accordance with the new rules, BNI Life will continue to make improvements and adjustments to the company's internal policies and provisions to ensure compliance with the POJK.
In addition, Neny ensured that there was no increase in the cost of funds for implementing the anti-fraud strategy this year, as the company has adjusted the budget according to organizational needs. BNI Life has also prepared a report on the implementation of the anti-fraud strategy in accordance with the request and deadline set by the regulator.
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