KONTAN.CO.ID - JAKARTA. PT BNI Life Insurance (BNI Life) recorded the best performance. As of April 2019, this life insurance company posted premium income of IDR 2 trillion, or an increase of 40.8% year on year (yoy).
BNI Life President Director Shadiq Akasya explained that BNI Life's positive growth was actually inversely proportional to the condition of the life insurance industry in the first quarter of 2019 which experienced a decline in total gross premiums (GWP) of 10.6% based on data from the Financial Services Authority (OJK).
With this achievement, Shadiq hopes that BNI Life can achieve double-digit premium income growth this year.
There are seven strategies that the company is preparing, such as increasing the sales force's ability to produce policy covers, then focusing on selling profitable products and increasing the number of policies.
Optimizing investment results and unit link performance. "Apart from that, increasing synergy with Bank BNI and BNI Group, said Shadiq in Jakarta, Friday (17/5).
Apart from that, the company will also improve the quality and productivity of sales and human resources (HR). And finally, by expanding the insurance sales market.
The increase in the company's premium income was accompanied by an increase in the number of assets. It was recorded that BNI Life recorded total assets of IDR 17.5 trillion, a significant increase from last April's IDR 1.3 trillion. The largest asset contribution came from an investment amount of around IDR 16 trillion.