Providing precious relics to those who matter most.
Affordable Premium
Affordable Premium
Sum assured
Sum assured
100% sum assured until age 90 years
100% sum assured until age 90 years
The cash value is paid if the insured resigns during the insurance period.
The cash value is paid if the insured resigns during the insurance period.
100% sum assured
100% sum assured
IDR 300,000,- per month
IDR 300,000,- per month
17 years old - 65 years old
17 years old - 65 years old
17 years old - 60 years old
17 years old - 60 years old
Single, Monthly, Semesterly, Quarterly and Annually
Single, Monthly, Semesterly, Quarterly and Annually
5 years to 20 years
5 years to 20 years
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