BNI Life Hy-End Pro Syariah
BNI Life Hy-End Pro Syariah

Why BNI Life Hy-End Pro Syariah

BNI Life Hy-End Pro Syariah is an insurance product that provides multiple benefits in the form of life protection and savings with an optimal investment level.


Program Advantage

Sharia Principles

Managed with Sharia principles

Sharia Principles

Managed with Sharia principles

Good Reputation

Part of the BNI Group with a very good reputation in the industry

Good Reputation

Part of the BNI Group with a very good reputation in the industry

Profit Sharing

Investment management with mudarabah (profit-sharing) contract.

Profit Sharing

Investment management with mudarabah (profit-sharing) contract.

Program Benefit

Death Benefit

If the Insured Participant passes away during the insurance period and the Policy is still active, then the Beneficiary will receive the Insurance Benefit in addition to the Investment Cash Value, and thereafter the Policy terminates

Death Benefit

If the Insured Participant passes away during the insurance period and the Policy is still active, then the Beneficiary will receive the Insurance Benefit in addition to the Investment Cash Value, and thereafter the Policy terminates

Benefits of Life: Benefits of Cash Value Investments

If the Insured Participant survives until the end of the Insurance Period, the Insured Participant will receive the Investment Cash Value

Benefits of Life: Benefits of Cash Value Investments

If the Insured Participant survives until the end of the Insurance Period, the Insured Participant will receive the Investment Cash Value

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Membership Requirements


Contributions are paid in one lump sum


Contributions are paid in one lump sum

Minimum Contribution Amount

•   Insurance Period of 3 years: Rp 50,000,000
•   Insurance Period of 5 years: Rp 25,000,000

Minimum Contribution Amount

•   Insurance Period of 3 years: Rp 50,000,000
•   Insurance Period of 5 years: Rp 25,000,000

Policyholder Entry Age
Policyholder Entry Age
Age of the Insured Participant

1 day s.d. 70 years

Age of the Insured Participant

1 day s.d. 70 years

Product Info

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