Planning Your Future
Get to know the Lailatul Qadar Night Practice and its Specialties
27 Mar 2024
Get to know the Lailatul Qadar Night Practice and its Specialties
27 Mar 2024

Lailatul Qadar has been said to be the best moment to seek reward. The nights of the last 10 days of Ramadan can be the most appropriate moment to increase your practice for greater rewards. Various practices carried out during the arrival of Lailatul Qadar can make your afterlife more secure.

This precious moment during Ramadan is also often called a night that is better than 1000 months, because the opportunity to get abundant rewards at this moment is indeed greater. If you want to get some of the privileges of this glorious night, then you have to know the various practices that should be done first!

The practice of Lailatul Qadar

Before moving on to discussing the virtues and privileges of this precious moment, you really need to know about some of the best practices first. Apart from knowing about these practices, Muslims also need to practice them to increase the number of rewards in their lives. So, what practices should be done?

  1. Tarawih Prayers
    Even though it is sunnah in Islam, tarawih prayers are the most awaited moment during the holy and blessed month of Ramadan. Muslims will increasingly look forward to this sunnah worship before the arrival of Lailatul Qadar. Because, the reward that can be obtained during this time will be much greater than the reward for praying tarawih on a normal day.

  2. Itikaf
    Not only is it often done during Ramadan, but iktikaf is also often done on weekdays. There is a verse in Al-Baqarah which states that every individual who performs iktikaf during this noble night can receive millions of rewards from Allah SWT, so don't just waste it.

  3. Reciting Al-Qur'an
    Reciting the Koran can indeed be said to be a form of worship that is often practiced by Muslims when the month of Ramadan arrives. Later, the rewards from reciting the Koran will be greater when done before, during and after Lailatul Qadar. Take some valuable time in your life to read several letters of the Koran, so that you can immediately get abundant rewards.

  4. Alms
    Apart from making each person feel more valuable, giving charity can also make Allah SWT give His grace to you. The reward for giving charity itself is quite abundant, but the abundance in question will be even more felt when you do it during Lailatul Qadar. It's not just money that can be given to charity, but food and basic necessities can also be given to charity.

  5. Studying
    Currently, studying is often forgotten as a form of worship in the Islamic religion, but studying can actually bring abundant rewards. This practice to welcome Lailatul Qadar can be done by visiting the local science council and seeking useful knowledge that is good for life in the future.

Benefits of Lailatul Qadar

The night of glory that is better than 1000 months is the name that Muslims often refer to when describing this night of glory. Because this night only comes once a year, so you have to take the time to do good deeds. That way, you can get several benefits and privileges such as the following:

  1. Sins in Life are Forgiven by Allah SWT
    Who doesn't want the sins in their life to be forgiven by Allah SWT? Because, no one in this world knows the number of sins during his life that might make it difficult for him to enter heaven. You can get rid of this worry by doing various good deeds when welcoming the night of glory in this month of Ramadan.

  2. Full of Fortune
    Prosperity and happiness in life also include sustenance for every individual. To obtain sustenance in the form of money, prosperity and happiness in life, you can practice various goodness. This kind practice can be done while welcoming the arrival of Lailatul Qadar which is usually eagerly awaited by all Muslim people.

  3. Increase Devotion
    The Prophet Muhammad SAW once said that those of His servants who practice various good deeds while welcoming this night of glory can become better individuals. In another sense, Muslims who practice some of the practices above can grow into better people in the future, because this night can increase their devotion.

  4. Bringing Greater Rewards
    Not only is it the dream of every Muslim to have their sins forgiven, but getting rewards throughout their life is also a dream that is actually quite difficult for every Muslim to achieve. Because, only at certain moments, Allah SWT promises to give this gift to every His servant who performs good deeds.

  5. More Blessing and Full of Grace Beyond 1000 Months
    Maybe some people are still confused about why this glorious night is often said to exceed the blessings of a thousand months. The answer is because the night of Lailatul Qadar is able to bring greater blessings than other times. So, spend this glorious night with good activities and avoid doing negative activities.

By knowing what the practices and special features of the night of Lailatul Qadar are, Muslims will definitely be more enthusiastic about carrying out the recommended practices. Not only do you get multiple rewards until your sins are forgiven, but this night of glory also holds other virtues that are no less good.

Call it a night where angels descend to earth, a night full of goodness, and even receiving forgiveness from Allah SWT. These are some of the virtues and benefits that Muslims can get when they practice a number of the practices listed above. So, don't waste this opportunity during the month of Ramadan and always ensure your family's health is guaranteed with the program BNI Promax Ramadhan.