Chronic acid reflux disease, when your stomach feels sore, your chest is hot, and there is acid in your throat, you may be experiencing signs of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). For sufferers, GERD is a scourge that disrupts their activities because it can come on suddenly.
The discomfort of chronic gastric pain can be frustrating and even reduce the quality of life. But fortunately, there are natural solutions other than drugs to relieve the symptoms, what are they? By doing yoga movements! Several yoga movements have been proven to be able to relieve GERD, you know!
The types of yoga movements performed are quite gentle with relaxing stretches. In fact, you can practice this yoga movement to help manage feelings of anxiety and excessive stress, which are the two main factors that can worsen GERD. So how does it move? Come on, keep watching!
Effective Yoga Movements for Overcoming Gerd, You Must Try
There are many benefits from doing yoga movements, one of which is treating GERD. Here are some effective movements to overcome chronic stomach pain:
- Trikonasana
The triangle pose or what can be called trikonasana is useful for activating the body's core muscle tissue, stimulating the digestive organs to run more smoothly, increasing metabolism, and can even relieve stress. You can do this yoga movement yourself in the following stages:
- Stand straight with your feet shoulder width apart.
- Then, turn your feet 90 degrees towards and left foot slightly inward. Make sure the sole of your right foot is completely flat on the floor.
- Then, regulate your breath by pulling in and holding it for a little longer while bending your body forward at the pelvis. Keep your spine straight.
- Place your right hand outside your foot, but keep it close to the floor. Then, raise your left hand up to the level of your ear.
- Hold this pose for a few breaths, feeling each stretching movement on the right side of the body.
- Then, return to the starting position by exhaling. Repeat the movement and switch to the left side.
- Virabhadrasana II
Next is warrior pose II or commonly called Virabhadrasana II. This yoga movement is useful for improving body balance and coordination by stretching the chest muscles and strengthening the position of the legs. Apart from that, this pose is also able to relieve pain and nausea that spreads to the esophagus due to increased stomach acid. Here are the steps to do it:
- Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Then slowly bring your left foot behind your body by tilting your palm at about 45 degrees.
- Then, bend your right knee so that it is parallel and perpendicular to the mat.
- After that, raise your arms to shoulder level. Extend your right arm forward with your palm facing down. Meanwhile, bring your left hand backwards in the same position.
- Hold still for a moment until you count to 30, then repeat in the opposite position.
- Anuloma Viloma
The meaning of the name of this yoga movement is changing the nostrils where you will practice yogic breathing techniques to drastically reduce the increase in stomach acid. This yoga movement can help you relieve stress and calm your mind. How to do it?
- You can start by preparing a cross-legged sitting position with your back straight but still comfortable.
- Then place the right foot on top of the left foot. Meanwhile, the position of the hands is on each other's thighs.
- Pay attention to the position of the palms, namely they are open and the thumbs make circles that touch each other.
- Close your right nostril with your left finger. Then inhale slowly and exhale with the nostrils uncovered.
- If so, then do it alternately in the opposite position and repeat this pose for five minutes.
- Shavasana
This yoga movement is often called the mayar position and is the easiest movement because it is done just lying down. Shavasana or "corpse pose" must be done with a relaxed body and without any movement. You can do it to improve sleep quality, reduce high blood pressure, and even stress. Here are the steps to practice this movement:
- Lie in a supine position on a yoga mat.
- Then spread your feet approximately shoulder-width apart and let your arms lie straight at your sides with your palms facing up.
- To focus better, close your eyes and focus on the rhythm of your breath. Inhale and exhale through the nose slowly.
- Feel your body touch the mat and let all the tension melt away and relax.
- Stay in this relaxed pose for approximately 5-10 minutes, or as long as you feel comfortable.
- Halasana
This last yoga movement is often called the plow pose. Halasana is believed to be useful for relieving stress on the shoulders and back muscles. Apart from that, this yoga movement can also improve digestion and relieve stomach acid. Here's how to do the exercise:
- Lie on your back on a yoga mat.
- Lie on the mat in a supine position. Then position both legs together.
- Place your arms beside your body while keeping your breath steady.
- Then, press your palms on the floor and lift your legs straight up and then point them behind your head until they touch the floor.
- Do this movement for 1 minute and repeat three times.
GERD, or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, is not easy to cure, but the symptoms can be relieved in various ways, one of which is yoga. Yoga movements such as Trikonasana, Virabhadrasana II, Anuloma Viloma, Shavasana, and Halasana offer various benefits for GERD sufferers, such as improving digestion, relieving stress, increasing flexibility, and strengthening core muscles.
Although yoga is safe to do, it is important to consult a doctor before starting a new yoga program, especially for those of you who have certain medical conditions. Make sure to do yoga movements correctly and safely to avoid injury.
Combine yoga with other healthy lifestyles!