Becoming Parent
Fetal Development Phase Trimester 1-3
01 May 2024
Fetal Development Phase Trimester 1-3
01 May 2024

The fetus will develop every week, so the period of the fetus in the mother's stomach for 9 months is divided into trimesters. The development of the first to third trimesters must be monitored so that the mother and baby are healthy until delivery.

Trimester is the age of the fetus per 3 months in the mother's womb. The fetus is in the mother's womb for nine months. This time is divided into three months. So every woman will carry a fetus for three semesters if it is normal.

Even though the fetus lives normally in the womb for 36 weeks. However, it does not rule out the possibility of giving birth prematurely, or giving birth at the age of 7 months. Therefore, the fetus' development must be monitored every month.

Fetal Development from Month to Month, Trimester 1 to 3

Period pregnancy 9 months are divided into trimesters, namely 3 months. So that every mother who gives birth normally will pass 3 months (trimesters) in her pregnancy.

That is why pregnant women must regularly check with their obstetrician every month. So that pregnant women can see the baby's development from week to week and ensure that the baby is healthy or developing normally.

However, the baby's development will appear significant after passing through the first trimester of pregnancy. Therefore, recognize the phases of pregnancy from the first trimester to the third trimester, to ensure that mother and baby are healthy. The following are the trimester phases of pregnancy:

  1. Conceived in the 1st Trimester
    The pregnancy phase in the first trimester is 1 to 3 months of pregnancy. Many mothers don't know that they are pregnant at the age of 1 month.

    However, mothers will experience late menstruation or even not menstruate at all. This must be taken to the doctor immediately to ensure that the mother is truly pregnant.

    Mothers also should not take medicine carelessly, before it is absolutely certain that she is pregnant. Because many cases occur in mothers who take medication and their periods are late because they don't realize they are pregnant.

    This is very dangerous for the mother and fetus. It is even possible that the fetus's organs will not form perfectly so that the baby could be born with disabilities.

    As we enter the second month of the first trimester, the baby's organs and brain begin to form. Even though the size is still small. The fetus' weight is estimated to be only one gram. In this phase, the mother's stomach still does not look bulging.

    However, in the second month, mother started to feel nauseous. The peak of nausea feels intense when entering the third month of the first trimester. Therefore, pregnant women must have adequate nutrition and need additional vitamins.

    Severe nausea will be felt in the third month, and at that time the organs and brain will begin to form completely. Mothers must eat highly nutritious food so that the baby's brain is fully formed.

  2. 2nd Trimester of Pregnancy
    Gestational age in the 2nd trimester is 4 to 6 months of gestation. At this age, the feeling of nausea begins to decrease and the shape of the fetus begins to appear. The shape of the fetus is no longer like an embryo.

    At the age of 4 months, the fetus begins to make small movements in the mother's womb. The fetus seems to be swimming in the mother's stomach because its size is only 1.9 grams so it can move more freely in the mother's womb.

    At the age of 5 months in the second trimester, the fetus begins to be able to move its organs and begins to grow hair on its head. The fetus has also started to swallow and hiccup in this phase. His brain began to fully form.

    Brain formation is very important for the fetus so that the fetus's other organs are formed perfectly. Mothers should also take multivitamin supplements as well as milk or other highly nutritious foods.

    The amount of nutrition that the mother must eat is 2 times more than usual because these nutrients will be absorbed by the fetus and also absorbed by the mother's body. So it is important for mothers to consume food with high levels of nutrition.

  3. 3rd Trimester of Pregnancy
    In the third trimester of pregnancy, namely 7 to 9 months of gestation, the fetus will be enlarged with perfect organs but the lungs will not yet form normally. However, the baby's eyes are starting to become sensitive to stimulation.

    The doctor will also provide stimulation by shining a light such as a flashlight on the mother's stomach. The fetus begins to be sensitive to this stimulation because its irises begin to form perfectly.

    In this third trimester phase, mothers must begin to limit strenuous activities. Because in this phase the fetus has begun to enlarge and the organs are 90% perfect. So it is vulnerable to premature birth.

    Premature birth can occur due to several factors. One of them is the impact factor. So in this phase mothers should start limiting their activities.

    Only at the age of 9 months in the third trimester, mothers can do a little exercise or just take a walk around the house complex. So that the birth process is smooth and normal.

    Giving birth at 9 months is much better than giving birth at 7 months. Because at 9 months, the baby is truly mature and ready to be born. However, babies born at the age of 7 months can grow up healthy, as long as they are handled diligently.

The Final Word

After reading the description above regarding the baby's development from the weekly, monthly, to trimester phases, it is hoped that you will understand that pregnancy is a gift from God that must be looked after properly.

Because in each phase, the fetus will continue to develop. So you have to get special attention and care so that you will be born perfect. Therefore, the benefits of reading this article are as follows:

  1. The fetus is born perfect because its nutrition is perfect
  2. The mother will not be stressed because she knows that the development of the fetus can be disrupted if the mother is stressed.
  3. Reducing excessive activity because mothers know which activities are at risk of causing pregnant women to fall.

Healthy babies are born to strong and intelligent mothers. That's why it's best to look for as many references as possible regarding fetal development so that pregnant women know what they should and shouldn't do to keep mother and baby healthy.