As people get older and each has their own interests and business, sometimes the relationship with siblings is not like it was when they were children. Some people experience changes in their relationship with their siblings and some are still able to take care of them as children.
But of course it is difficult if each of them already has their own life, for example, getting married and so on. What should be done and what is it like to maintain a good relationship with siblings like a harmonious family? Reporting from the New York Times, here are some ways that can be done.
1. Heal past wounds
Every sibling must have quarreled, whether it's a small or large issue and it involves principles. But know that the hurt will not heal without a solution. Just because you are family doesn't mean that everything can be easily forgiven and resolved. Everything still needs to be discussed and resolved openly. If something goes wrong, apologize and heal past wounds so you can get along again.
2. Share your life goals
Small talk is very helpful in understanding each other's mature thoughts. Even if you grow up together, there will always be different mindsets. Just share what is the purpose of your life and your views on anything. Likewise, listen to what your brother's life is like, so that you can tolerate each other's differences in life choices.
3. Avoid sparking conflict
When talking to siblings, avoid anything that could trigger conflict, such as politics, religion, or even traumatic memories that are sensitive to talk about. Just tell the good things, and avoid gossiping about the bad things of the other siblings. Unless you are very close, it can be done casually or in jest. But know the limits.
4. Don't compare yourself
Since you have your own way of life, it is not a proper thing to compare yourself with. Which is better and which is worse. Who is more successful and not. Appreciate each of your lives and their life experiences.
5. Show appreciation
Do not hesitate to praise the success of your sibling or family. Like when you praise your partner, also praise your achievements. Of course do it sincerely. If you have nothing good to say, then you shouldn't have to say much.
6. Make friends
Just like making friends with strangers, we also need to make friends with relatives. Talking about small to large things without involving feelings or blood ties. In this way, communication will be maintained.
Maybe this kind of relationship seems fake because at first glance this kind of family relationship seems to be playing in the comfort zone, there is no confrontation and so on, but as an adult, there are things to consider even with your own siblings.
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