Planning Your Future
6 Indonesian Universities Ranked in World Class that You Should Know
06 Nov 2023
6 Indonesian Universities Ranked in World Class that You Should Know
06 Nov 2023

Being able to continue your education at the best university is the desire of many people. That is why it is not surprising that many people are looking for information regarding the list of universities in Indonesia which are ranked world class. That is why, on this occasion we will provide you with information regarding the list of universities in Indonesia which are ranked world class.

Indonesian Universities Enter World Class Rankings

In Indonesia itself, there are several campuses that are ranked in the world and are known for producing many good graduates with a multitude of achievements. So, several universities in Indonesia that have entered the world ranking are as follows:

  1. University of Indonesia
    On the first list of campuses in Indonesia that have entered the world ranking is the University of Indonesia or what can be called UI. This is certainly not surprising because the University of Indonesia is the first tertiary institution in Indonesia. This university has been established from the Dutch colonial era until now.

    This campus itself is famous for its various achievements and has graduated many students since it was first established. Getting into this campus is also not easy, because you have to compete with many people who are also interested in studying at this campus. This is not surprising because the University of Indonesia is one of the three best campuses in Indonesia.

    That's why if you plan to continue your education at that campus, make sure you study seriously and prepare sufficient funds. That way, your desire to continue on campus can come true and is no longer just a dream.

  2. Gadjah Mada University
    Next on the list of Indonesian universities that have entered the world ranking is Gadjah Mada. This university, which is located in Central Java Province, is also one of the three best campuses in Indonesia along with UI. Therefore, it is not surprising that this campus can enter the world rankings.

    Gadjah Mada University has been established for quite a long time, so it has graduated a lot of students, some of whom are influential figures in Indonesia, such as Indonesia's seventh president, Joko Widodo. Apart from that, this campus has been affiliated with various campuses from abroad to improve the quality of education.

    That's why it's not surprising that every year so many people want to continue their education at Gadjah Mada University. This then makes the competition to get into this campus very tight. So not everyone can continue their education at Gadjah Mada University. Only certain people who have met the requirements set by Gadjah Mada University can continue their education at the campus.

  3. Bandung Institute of Technology
    The Bandung Institute of Technology or ITB is also an Indonesian university that has entered the world rankings. This university is also one of the oldest universities in Indonesia because its existence has existed since the Dutch colonial era, to be precise in 1920.

    The first president and father of Indonesia's proclaimer, Ir. Soekarno is also known to have graduated from this college. Apart from that, there are many more prominent figures who are also graduates of the Bandung Institute of Technology. So it's not surprising that

    At its inception, this college only focused on engineering majors because the main goal of this campus was to meet engineering needs. However, as time goes by, ITB now also has other faculties such as arts and business. So for those of you who want to continue your education here but don't want to major in engineering, you don't need to worry.

  4. Airlangga University
    The list of universities in Indonesia that are ranked world class is Airlangga University. Airlangga University itself is located in East Java Province, precisely in the city of Surabaya. In the past, specifically during the Dutch occupation, this university was aimed at educating young people to become health experts.

    However, over time this university has grown rapidly and established other faculties. Although the favorite faculty on this campus is still the medical faculty. Airlangga University's accreditation is very good, so many people want to register at this campus.

  5. Bogor Agricultural Institute
    This university, which is located in West Java Province, specifically in the city of Bogor, is one of the Indonesian universities that has entered the world rankings. Even though the name of this college is the Bogor Agricultural Institute, the faculty at this college is not only limited to agriculture.

    The Bogor Agricultural Institute itself has an A accreditation, so there is no need to doubt the quality of its education. So it is not surprising that this university produces many prospective innovations.

  6. Sepuluh November Institute of Technology
    The latest list of universities in Indonesia that is ranked world class is the Sepuluh November Institute of Technology. This university in the city of Surabaya is also known as one of the universities that has produced many innovations in the fields of science and technology.

    So for those of you who like science and technology, this campus is the right choice. However, if you want to enter this campus, make sure you study seriously so you can pass the ITS entrance selection.

So, that was brief information regarding the list of Indonesian universities ranked in the world class. So, if you or someone close to you plans to continue your education at the above universities, it's a good idea to have education insurance. This is because, to make it easier for you to pay the tuition fees at the campus, which may not be a small amount. If you want to know more about education insurance, please visit page BLife Smart Solutions.